Taiga Tee

Long sleeve T-shirt

This shirt is inspired on white camouflage and adresses its relationship with developing geopolitical affairs.
A white on white silkscreen print texture resembling a helicopter view on the Taiga landscape.

Many nations are pulling northwards to dig for raw materials and new trade routes in the new territories that reveal themselves due to the North Pole’s melting ice cap. New territories call for territorial disputes causing the contending nations to expand their military units specifically trained for extreme weather conditions.

These military units are specialised to operate in sub zero weather with the Taiga as their arena, a snowed under landscape of stretched out empty fields and pine forests.

The silkscreen print was made by zooming in on the surroundings of the soldier, cutting out a detail and converting it into a rough halftone. In combination with printing in puff ink the halftone print resembles a snowy thick boreal forest thinning out into empty fields, the Taiga. But also because of its repetitive lines within the print, it is reminiscent of the inevitable coming from these violent territorial disputes, that of snowed under military cemeteries.